The Customer
As the company managing Changi Airport, Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd (CAG) undertakes key functions focusing on airport operations and management, air hub development, commercial activities and airport emergency services. Changi Airport is the world’s sixth busiest airport for international traffic. It served a record 62.2 million passengers from around the globe and handled 2.13 million tonnes of airfreight throughput in 2017. With over 100 airlines providing connectivity to 400 cities worldwide, Changi Airport handles about 7,200 flights every week, or about one every 80 seconds.
The Challenge
One of the regulatory requirements for CAG to receive an Aerodrome Certificate was that all aerodrome operations staff need to undergo an adequate level of safety training. This includes any staff engaged in day-to-day aerodrome operations, such as Apron Control and Airside Inspection.
The Solution
CAG’s Airside Operations team conducted a Training Needs Analysis to ascertain the training required for staff to obtain essential safety knowledge. The Airside Operations team further identified that ACI’s Online Learning Centre’s Safety Faculty offered courses that enabled staff to acquire the essential safety knowledge. These online courses were then incorporated into the Aerodrome Operations staffs’ on-the-job-training. In addition, selected courses were also included as part of CAG’s continuous training program.
Some of the courses that CAG staff went through were:
a) Certificate in Airside Operations
b) Runway Safety Management
c) Human Factors Safety Training
d) Dangerous Goods Awareness
e) Foreign Objects Debris (FOD) Prevention
f) Apron Safety Management
g) Certificate in Airside Safety
h) Wildlife Hazard Management
The Results
Attending training via the Online Learning Centre (OLC) meant that the Aerodrome Operations staff at Changi Airport were able to meet all stipulated safety competencies. Moreover, the Learning Management System’s reporting function helped Management to continuously assess and monitor staffs’ proficiency level.
Aerodrome Operations staff were able to complete the training on the OLC’s easy to use Learning Management System at their own pace and time schedule. The accessibility was especially appreciated by shift workers as they could complete the training as and when they were able to.
The ACI Online Learning Centre would like to thank Changi Airport’s Airside Operations point of contact (POC)for taking the time and effort to assist the OLC in developing this article.