Runway Condition Assessment and Reporting (USA)


The Runway Condition Assessment and Reporting (USA) course assists airport personnel to meet the runway condition reporting requirements outlined in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5200-30D Airport Field Condition Assessments and Winter Operations Safety.

The course defines and explains the runway condition assessment requirements contained in AC 150/5200-30D and provides a comprehensive overview of the latest Runway Condition Assessment Matrix and how this matrix is used to report runway conditions.

This course has been updated to reflect airport and flight operator experiences and FAA clarifications that followed initial use of the RCAM during the 2016-2017 winter season.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand and meet the FAA requirements for runway surface condition assessment and reporting.
  • Successfully use the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) to assess and report on runway surface conditions.

Who Should Enrol?

  • Airport Operations Management and Staff
  • Airport Safety Managers, Officers and Staff
  • Personnel with responsibility for runway condition assessment and reporting
  • Air Traffic Service Providers
  • Anyone interested in a career in airport operations and/or safety

Course Content

The Runway Condition Assessment and Reporting (USA) course covers the following topics:


The background to the requirements for runway surface condition assessment and reporting outlined in AC 150/5200-30D.

Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM)

The elements of the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) – the objective method for airport operators to assess and report on runway surface conditions.

Using the RCAM

How to use the RCAM to assess runway surface conditions.

Adjusted Runway Condition Codes

The process to follow if runway surface conditions appear to be better or worse than indicated by the Runway Condition Codes obtained from the RCAM.

When to Conduct a Runway Condition Assessment

When airport operators are required to assess and report on runway surface conditions and the importance of, and methods for, continuously monitoring runway conditions.

Conducting a Runway Condition Assessment

The steps required to:

    • Conduct a runway condition assessment.
    • Determine the Runway Condition Codes to be used in the Field Condition (FICON) report.

Runway Condition Worksheet

How to use a Runway Condition Worksheet to record runway condition data and generate the final FICON report.

Example Scenarios

A series of scenarios that allow learners to practice using the RCAM and the Runway Condition Worksheet to assess and report on runway surface conditions.


This course includes an integrated online assessment.  

Candidates must successfully complete the assessment to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course info

  • Language: English
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Level: Short Course
0 out of 5

$150.00 USD