Reduce Wildlife Trafficking at Your Airport

The illegal wildlife trade is one of the largest international illicit trades, thought to generate between USD 7-23 billion annually. Wildlife trafficking damages the environment, threatens biodiversity and human health, local livelihoods and national economies.

Wildlife traffickers exploit the global aviation network to perform their activities.

Combatting Wildlife Trafficking will teach you how airports combat wildlife trafficking, how it happens, what it looks like and explores the tools you can use to combat wildlife trafficking at your airport.

The 26th ACI World General Assembly in 2016 affirmed the commitment of airports to help combat wildlife trafficking, through the signing of the United for Wildlife Transport Taskforce Buckingham Palace Declaration and supporting the Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES) Partnership, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

You’ll gain an understanding of:

  • Why wildlife is traded
  • The laws and regulations which govern the trade in wildlife
  • The magnitude and impacts of the illegal wildlife trade
  • How and why aviation transport is used by wildlife traffickers
  • The role of airports in helping to stop wildlife trafficking
  • How airport and other stakeholder staff might be able to identify wildlife trafficking
  • The importance of reporting procedures
  • How tip-offs given by airport staff can successfully lead to wildlife seizures
  • The actions taken by other airports

Who should enrol?

All airport personnel including airside, terminal and landside staff, whether they are supervisory or management level or ground level
Personnel from all airport stakeholders and service providers that operate at the airport, including airlines, ground handlers and concessionaires, whether they are supervisory or management level or ground level

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