Minimise the Chance of Accidents Caused by Human Error

Research consistently proves that human behaviour and performance is a major component of 85% of aviation-related accidents, and is almost always a contributing factor in the remaining 15%.

Airport personnel should be familiar with the most common safety-related issues that are caused by human error. This way they can actively avoid these mistakes. Their performance is directly linked to airport safety – knowing this is the first step reducing the chance of accidents.

The Online Learning Centre’s Human Factors Safety Training covers the following areas:

  • Overview
  • Understanding Human Factors
  • Human Factors and Airport Safety
  • Dealing with Human Factor Error

Human Factors Safety Training helps personnel to recognise, understand and deal with human performance issues at an airport. This course has been rolled out at airports around the world as part of their Safety Training programs.

En route to the Certificate I in Airside Safety

Human Factors Safety Training is one of five safety courses that make up the Certificate I in Airside Safety which provides a thorough understanding of the key elements of airside safety. The Certificate includes the following courses:

  1. Airside Safety Training
  2. Apron Safety Management
  3. Human Factors Safety Training
  4. Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Prevention
  5. Safety Management Systems Training

Available in French and Spanish

A Certificate in Airside Safety and the Human Factors Safety Training course are available in French and Spanish.